Is Your Manufacturing Stuck in Manual Mode?


Unleash Efficiency with Automated Inventory Management & Self-Evolving Digitization.



XAAS Genie: Manufacturing Made Simple

Feeling overwhelmed by disorganized inventory, endless paperwork, and outdated processes? You're not alone. 72% of manufacturers struggle with these very issues, according to a recent industry report. This translates to lost time, wasted resources, and ultimately, reduced profitability.

Why Choose XAAS Genie?

XAAS Genie is your one-stop solution for streamlining your manufacturing operations. We offer highly customizable digitization and automation solutions built using cutting-edge LCNC technology. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to optimize existing systems (ERP, CRM).

Discover How XAAS Genie Helps You

Highly Customizable

Tailored solutions for your specific needs, whether you're starting from scratch or optimizing existing systems.


Our platform adapts to your growth, ensuring continued efficiency and reduced costs.

LCNC Technology

Cutting-edge automation delivers faster processes, reduced errors, and real-time insights.

Light Speed Launches

Express Implementations/ From Sketch to Scalable: Express Implementations

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Reduce Inventory
Costs by


Improve Customer
Satisfaction by


Increase Production
Efficiency by


Make Decision
Smarter by


XAAS Genie's self-evolving platform adapts to your growth, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve. Our solutions are designed to pay for themselves by delivering a significant return on your investment (ROI).

XAAS Genie Manufacturing Solutions & Accelerators

Manufacturing Made Easy: Solutions for Every Domain
Metal and Surface Finishers
Metal and Surface Finishers
Heavy Engineering 
Heavy Engineering 
Food and Beverage
Food and Beverage

Build It Your Way: Highly Customizable Manufacturing Solutions and accelerators
Expense Management
Expense Management
Procurement Management
Procurement Management
Invoicing & Order Management
Invoicing & Order Management
Production Management
Production Management
Quality Management
Quality Management
Inventory Management
Analytics & Reporting
Analytics & Reporting
HR & Training Management
HR & Training Management
Document Management
Document Management

Unlock Manufacturing Agility: Your Roadmap to Rapid Automation

Struggling with Scattered data, slow manual tasks, disconnected workflows?

Experience the power of no-code digitization firsthand.

Go Digital, Go Smarter: Free Assessment & Custom Automation Trial


Chaos to Control: Global Metal Finisher Triples Work Orders, Slashes PO Time by 90%, Achieves 100% Material Tracking with XaaS Genie No Code Solution– Here's How

Witness how a leading manufacturer streamlined operations and achieved unprecedented results with our no-code digitization solution.
  • Outline the company's specific challenges (manual processes, fragmented systems, failed transformation attempts). Use their language for maximum resonance.
  • Introduce Xaas Genie as the turning point, not some grand, theoretical solution.
  • Focus on concrete outcomes: Cost savings in figures, time saved in days/weeks, productivity increases with percentages, customer satisfaction impacts.
  • Emphasize the speed and ease of implementation. Weeks, not months or years.
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